bandname: Original
abbreviation for Maximum Break Party. Intended to mean Maximum Demolition,- or
Break Up Part. Later they abolished the abbreviation to avoid confusion with
hiphop and funpunk and called themselves MBP.
MBP was formed in 1984
by Jules, Vincent, Michael and Onno. Vincent used to play guitar in the
Zwolle-based band "Blik?", and his brother Michael used to play guitar
there in the band "RIP". With their rhythm box, called Thomas, two
shows were done, before Henry joined on drums. This caused them to be kicked out
of two rehearsal places because of too much noise. After the first gig, DJ Thermo arranged them to play Vera as support to
the legendary Anti-Sect. Their style changed gradually from Flipper like
slowcore to Dead Kennedies/Hüsker Dü like fastcore. Many
shows followed, most with their bloodbrothers Ampachen (in which Onno played
drums). It all ended with a 'goodbye' tour to Spain/Bask Country, and one final
concert back in Groningen at the Rhythm Pigs benefit (to
help the poor suckers buy tickets home after many serious tour problems). MBP
released one tape (split cassette with Ampachen) in March 1986. The songs were
recorded in the rehearsal room and live in De Oosterpoort, Groningen, approx. 30 minutes in total. Bandmember Onno released three tapes under the name
"Who Cares" (which was regularly reviewed as being a 'great band',
whereas he played everything himself - MRR said 'this is a great reminder of
what punk is all about). Later, he made a jazz-fushion
solo LP under his own name, Onno Ottevanger.
Lyrics are kind of
cynical almost nihilist.
Fast hardcorepunk combined with slow, threatening, dragging songs. In De Nieuwe
Koekrand zine they got compared to Hüsker Dü.
Vincent (bass),
Onno (guitar/vocals), Jules (vocals), Michael (guitar), Henry (drums)
Henry – De Verkouden Olifant, Chronicore, Kotton Krown, Rat Patrol, Larry
Speaks, Over The Moon
Onno – Ampachen
& Concerts:
June 1986: Germany, Denmark (with Massacubadset)
October 1987: Basque Country, Spain
December 1987: Basque Country, Spain
M.B.P. did around 35 gigs
M.B.P./Ampachen -
split-TP (1986)
Homepage: http://www.fwn.rug.nl/chemshop/rp/mbp.html