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About Bacteria
Reviews & Articles
Cooperation/Image Material
Columns & Interviews
Band Photography
Booking & Driving European Tours
Booking Concerts

About Bacteria
The name is taken from the 1985 compilation LP “Cleanse the Bacteria”. For all activities please see the index above. On tours people know me as Michael Bacteria hence this selective biography:
I am born in Groningen on 4 May 1968 07:07 am. My father plays in bands in the 60’s and 70’s as a bass- or guitarplayer (Coffin, The Starfighters, The Jaguars, Subway) so needless to say I am brought up with alot of music. My parents often take me to the annual and free Sterren in het Bos manifestation with tons of bands. At the end of the 70’s I buy my very first LP at the Elpee recordshop: Salisbury by Uriah Heep, not because I am into hardrock but because there is a Chieftain tank on the sleeve (I get to really appreciate this record in the 90’s). In that time I am very much into the The Police and later I get heavily into Two-Tone ska. Alot of those bands have the energy of punkbands, especially onstage.
When I get in junior high in 1980 (Heijmans College), I run across punx in higher classes. I start checking the bands on their jackets and schoolbags. My first punk LP is the first three by The Clash that I buy in Avignon, France in the summer of 1981 during a holiday with my parents. Back in Groningen I get more in De Cirkel recordshop like Crass, Dead Kennedys, U.K. Subs and local bands such as Jetset and Massagraf in the Hemmes recordshop who also sell cassettes. Unfortunately inserts of records are often missing at the latter.
Together with a very good friend I visit my very first punkconcert by Bunker from Rotterdam on the Sterren in het Bos festival in August 1981. I am sitting right in front of the band and have a perfect view on the crowd. There I see all the punx from my school plus many more pogoing like there’s no tomorrow.
I get my first and only leather jacket from André Drenth/Subway who was good friends with my parents. Within time it’s full of bandnames and studs.
A punk girl from my friend’s school take us to my first punkconcert in Simplon on 24 april 1982: Vopo’s and End Result. There I also meet Van Gool, a huge skinhead always keen to harass small punx. He is part of the Simplon/Boer’n Punx crew so nobody mess with him. Later he will be leader of the notorious Z-Side Skins (there’s nice pictures of him in the “Inside Z-Side” book) and member of the national nazi-party CP’86.
I form my first band at the Dead Kennedy’s/MDC concert in Paradiso, Amsterdam. There I buy my first copy of Maximum Rock’n’Roll fanzine and we are amazed and inspired by the D.I.Y. ethics of M.D.C.

My new band start rehearsing in the cellar of the Grand Theater squat and after hearing the “Boston Not L.A.” LP, we change style from midtempo punk to fast chaoscore. After an incident, we move our practise space to the cellar of our drummer’s home in Haren, a 7 km bicycle drive from home. Later we will join the Rood Wit Zwart collective, influenced by the collective in Rotterdam a few years earlier. The name means Red White Black (Red stands for socialism and commitment, White for everyone that is not commited, Black for anarchy) and is a derivation from the dutch flag which is red, white and blue. The collective exists of bands with different political views but all are leftwing (Jetset, Massagraf, Vacüum, Fahrenheit 451, Barbie’s Boyfriend, Puinhoop, Bloedbad, Vivid Ointment, O’Villian), fanzines (Blok 5, Brandt, Struggle, Destructief Jong Nederland), a comic (Tuinstoelen Pietje), labels (Ruziek, Melkchocolade Cassettes, Cycling Dinosaur) and the poet Bart Droog. There’s regular “donor” evenings where the bands and poet play, records plus tapes are released, the various groups in the collective distribute their own flyers (Anti-Cultus Commando, Krea-Team, Blok 5 Groep) and there’s a collective rehearsalroom in the ORKZ squat where the bands can use most equipment as well.
I start to hang around with alot of local punks (Bart Droog, Rob & Hanneke/Vacuüm, Ina, Thermo & Korf, the Bloedbad crew, J.P.) and our most popular places to meet are the Swingavond in the Vera and Simplon youthcenters, Het Hijgend Hert bar, the stairs of the municipal building and the Martini Kerkhof.
From Maximum Rock’n’Roll fanzine from the USA, I write countless international addresses for tapetrading because I have no money for buying all the interesting records. The stamps on the letters and parcels get soaped or taped for continuous using and eventually saves alot of money. Through Nanno/Jetset I also get to know alot of obscure punkbands because his friend Peter/Slonz also trades alot.
At the Hemmes recordshop I sometimes order particular records from the USA. It usually takes 2 months before you get a postcard through the door informing that the record arrived. It would cost you around 30 guilders at the time which was alot of money, especially for a record.
In June 1983 I stand for the first time in my life on stage in De Buze in Steenwijk. Our bassplayer got stagefright so Thermo joins the band. We practise with him as a second bassplayer after this gig for half a year.
The streets are very violent if you look different. Armyboots already can be a reason to get beat up. I am lucky to have a leader of the notorious Z-Side Skins as a neighbor so I escape countless beatings from local hooligans. But every week and especially on saturdaynights it was pretty dangerous outside, unless you are in a big group.
During a vacation in Southern France we crash on a campingsite near Vence. There we meet fellow punx and get good friends. I get hooked on the first Chaos En France LP and we get back there in 1985.

In 1984 I join Bloedbad as a singer and organize my first concert in Vera for Negazione and Declino. I am in good contact with Michele, the Negazione drummer and start to distribute for Belfagor Records from Italy.
I design the first concertflyers and get the advance tape for the Exodus first LP (then called “A Lesson In Violence”) from Voitto Vasko from Finland which is yet another lifechanging event.
In the summer, I and a good friend go on an interrail trip to Scandinavia to visit some of my penfriends. We stay at Anderz Nielsen/Enola Gay & Bibi/Electric Deads, the Razor Blades family, Åke Henrikkson/Mob 47, Vote Vasko/P. Tuotanto to name a few. And I never forget our visit to the Roskilde Festival where we get in for free doing some tricks (thanx Kent Nielsen!) and see bands such as Killing Joke and Witch Cross.
At Vote’s place in Jyväskylä, we meet Mäkinen/Kuolema who also crashed there and got us hooked on horrormovies. He shows us Lucio Fulci’s The Beyond and House By The Cemetary plus Evil Dead. When we crash the Razor Blades place, we got to see both Friday the 13th films with the entire family.
I start going to metalconcerts. Somehow I’m very guitar orientated and am blown away by the metalsound. Unfortunately most lyrics and attitude totally sucks. It proves a serious problem because alot of metalheads have extreme right sympathies. Also I have a problem with the stage act which is often made and artificial. I prefer the punkgigs because there’s much more conviction and enthusiasm on stage.
At the end of 1985 I meet Mike through a tapetraders advertisement in a metalmagazine. We take eachother to gigs and trade alot of tapes. We also get into watching alot of horror videos because my parents own a Betamax recorder. When they change to the VHS system, we see all horrorvideos availabe at the 3 local videorentals. Also I get into computers because my mother got an Olivetti M19 with two 360kb 5.25 floppydrives (a 8086 computer) for her work. This was a time it takes 3 floppies to start up MS-DOS and another 5 to get going with a wordprocessing program like Word Perfect. Needless to say Mike and me also spent alot of time behind the screen mainly playing the highly addictive Digger game.
The following years we go to the gigs in the newly squatted WNC, hang with Patrick who works at Tante Leny/Modern Papier for Pick Fokkens, and get to know a shitload of new punx from just outside Groningen. We end up in different bands, but often join eachother. My band use to practise every week in Terheijl, a small village 20 km’s from Groningen, in the bedroom of our drummer. In 1987 we start to do rehearsals in the WNC squat. I do one song on drums and get really into it after seeing RKL in Amsterdam in June 1988. Their drummer is unreal. Ton organises their concert in Groningen and we can drive back with them. I know Ton since the beginning of 1988 and I often make flyers for him on my 486 computer with an ancient printer. You can recognize the flyers for their matrix fonts.
When the drummer of Means Of Coercion can’t make it, I join as a drummer and improvise a gig in the local squat with Attilla The Stockbroker in July 1988. We call ourselves Conspiracy Of Poimar. After the concert I am asked by the members of Trofoblast to drum because their drummer wants to sing. He teaches me all the songs, we call the band Catweazle and in 2 months I have my first gig as a drummer in JC Innocent in Hengelo. After the eviction of the WNC squat in May 1990, we start to rehearse in a 2×3 mtr small space rented by Eva as a drumroom in the ORKZ. When we get a 2nd guitarplayer for a short while, he did not fit and had to play outside of the room.
Violence gets worse because we have the headquarters of the ANS (Aktiefront Nationale Socialisten) residing in our city. Punx and people who dress alternative get beat up really bad and after 18.00 it’s dangerous to walk the city alone without a weapon. There’s alot of confrontations and often after football games, squats get attacked by countless hooligans on drugs (mostly Rohypnol). When nazi’s beat up a couple from a local bikerclub (they dressed like squatters) in may 1990, their place which is a bar in the middle of the citycentre (Rita’s Place) gets totally trashed and the cops arrive far too late. Needless to say, after this “incident”, there was a lot less trouble with the local nazi’s.
In May 1989 we travel a couple of days in the Netherlands with RKL on their second European tour. The drummer explains some tricks and I am still stupified at how good they are. Definitely the best live punkband I have ever witnessed.
We’re now entering a time with pretty uninteresting music (crossover, straightedge, funky hardcore) except for “Burning Spirits” hardcore from Japan which I get to know through an English trader, so I concentrate more on Catweazle and start a filmzine with Mike called Camera Obscura. We treat it like a punkzine, cutting and pasting like crazy and writing about everything cinematic we like. Because of my Aikijutsu study at the end of the 80’s, I am particulary interested in Japanese Chanbara (swordfight) cinema and after seeing a 3rd generation copy of The Killer by John Woo in 1990, I am sold and getting specialized in Hong Kong action cinema as well. Mike concentrates mostly on European cinema and eventually we have interviews with all the classics (Dario Argento, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Jean Rollin, Sergio Martino…) and we will have alot of guestwriters. Basically this is just like punk, only now it’s trading videocassettes and talking about particular movies and making filmzines. After the first issue, Axe helps out with the layout.
Nirvana gets big and everybody start to look alternative, wearing armyboots, have piercings and tattoos. This means no more problems if you look different although there’s still the big nazi-problem in Groningen.
In 1992 Catweazle got a new lineup and change style abit coz every member had its own musical taste. The singer is into straightedge, the bassplayer is into emo/Ebullition, the guitarplayer into techno and Japanese hardcore and I into thrash and tight hardcorepunk. The band got busy and I got in contact through the internet (a punk newsgroup) with Izumi/Profane Existence Far East from Japan who wants to release the recordings we did in Utrecht. This is 1995 and I use a 486 computer with a 14k4 dial modem. It’s amazing to download a 1 minute song within 15 minutes by Napster.
In 1996 I got into touring and join other bands and start organizing extensively. Eva joins on most tours. I meet her at a Funeral Oration concert on October 1987 and we are together ever since. One of our favorite countries is Spain. I discover so many good bands from there but most of them don’t feel the need to do concerts abroad. We got good friends with Sin Dios from Madrid and I organize one of the first tours for a punkband from Spain through Europe in September 1998. Soon after I will be organizing and driving for own bands but also for bands from Brazil and Japan. Since 1998 we have an own tour van which we call Cavia Express. I join PCP and Tuco Ramirez from Noord-Holland in 1997. With the first we practise at Het Viadukt, with the latter I often travel to the other side of the country.
At the end of the 90’s I start the bacteria website with mostly information about punk from Groningen. I start with tons of Geocities pages linked together. Lut provides webspace where I can share countless MP3’s from local punkbands. I get my info on bands from Het Viadukt where most punkbands practise. I give members a questionaire and use it for the website. I’m real glad I did this at the time because asking the same members now about that period, they can’t remember anything. 1999 is the start of Shikari. We like to play without P.A. and offstage and put the audience onstage. Needless to say we often get into alot of arguments with the soundpeople.
In 2000 we stop with Camera Obscura, also because I got way too busy with playing in punkbands and touring. Through Resuscitate Records aka Deadlock Records I get the domain. We begin a concertgroup and organize punkconcerts in several places here in Groningen for some years. I join Makiladoras in 2004 with who we tour alot and in 2006 I start my own company and try to survive financially on driving bands. Now I also drive commercial bands but there’s just too much competition. In 2008 I get a full contract with a company and finally have a steady income. But most of my time is now spend on work, doing alot of overtime. I stop touring and playing for bands. We sell the van and I buy a DSLR.
I was always into photography. At concerts I always carry a compact camera and in July 2002 I start buying the digital Canon Powershot S series. In 2008 I got the Canon EOS 1d Mark III with some lenses and start doing serious nature photography. In 2009 and 2010 there’s reunion concerts with Shikari. The company I work for gets taken over three times, fire all desk people and start operating from Beilen, which is about 50 km south of Groningen. Through a friend I get into birdprotection and countings/inventarisations and will spend most of my free time learning about birds and their habitats. I get into videoscoping and set up my own youtube channel called Nederbirds.
In 2019 the bacteria website gets a new look and also covers punk outside Groningen (currently with the emphasis on the 80’s).

Puinhoop aka Puinhoop GZU aka Rhinöceros (Chaoscore, vocals 1982-1984)
Bloedbad (Metallic Hardcore, vocals 1984-1985)
Kastroboys (Experimental, bass 1985)
Intensity (Thrash, vocals 1986-1987)
RO Conspiracy (Thrash, vocals 1987-1988)
Catweazle (Hardcore, drums 1988-1998)
Tuco Ramirez (Grind, drums 1997-2000)
PCP (Crust, drums 1997-2005)
Shikari (Screamo, drums 1999-2005)
Brainsucker (Hardcore, drums 2001-2002)
Deadbeat (Metallic Hardcore, drums 2004)
Makiladoras (Metalpunk, drums 2004-2006)
1986 – Thrash Attack
1988 – Tapetradelist
1989 – Bacteria Newsletter
1992 – Camera Obscura (1992–2000)
2003 – Bacteria Digital Newsletter (2003–2006)
2022 – Nederpunk (2022-now)
1984 – 2009
2000 – 2006
1984 – Various – Hardcöre ’84 TAPE (as Rhino Tapes)
1985 – Bloedbad – Bloedbad TAPE (no name on sleeve)
1988 – RO Conspiracy – Unofficial TAPE (as Bacteria Products)
1989 – Catweazle – Catweazle TAPE
1989 – Various – The Choice Is Mine 3 TAPE (as Bacteria Distribution)
1993 – Catweazle – Catweazle TAPE
1993 – Catweazle – D.I.Y. Promo TAPE
1997 – Catweazle – Tour Report VHS
1998 – No ID / Aside – Pictures Of Pain / Ride Fast… Or Don’t! 7″ EP (as Koroshi Records)
2000 – Fleas And Lice – A Bad Example Of The Rotten Generation VHS (produced)
2001 – Ação Direta – 1987-2001 TAPE
2003 – Various – Japanese Hardcore CDr
Reviews & Articles in Fanzines & Books
1984 – De Nieuwe Koekrand 66 (Punk In Sweden) (December 1984)
1985 – De Nieuwe Koekrand 67 (Punk In Spain) (March 1985)
1985 – De Nieuwe Koekrand 68 (Reviews) (May-June 1985)
1985 – De Nieuwe Koekrand 69 (Reviews) (July-August 1985)
1986 – De Nieuwe Koekrand 72 (Reviews) (February-March 1986)
1986 – De Nieuwe Koekrand 73 (Reviews) (April-May 1986)
1988 – Thrashold 3 (Reviews) (August-October 1988)
1988 – Threshold 4 (Reviews) (November 1988)
1992 – GRuzlement (Japan Special) (August 1992)
1992 – Oor Pop-Encyclopedie 1992 (Punk section with Ton Van Der Werf)
2021 – X-treem 35 (About
2022 – I’m Sure We’re Gonna Make It: Punk In The Netherlands 1976-1982 (55 pgs discography & fanzinecovers)
2022 – Ons Archief: Verhalen Over De Groninger Archieven (About myself)
2022 – Punks Listen (About a favorite record)
2023 – The Annual 1 (About 80s Groningen and an Interview with Peter Luining/Slonz) (December 2023)
2024 – Cognitive Decline 2 (About (November 2024)
2024 – The Annual 2 (About 80s Groningen, Squatting and an Interview with Ricky van Duuren/Boegies) (November 2024)
Cooperation/Image Material in Fanzines & Books
2021 – Kladmuur Hangout (May 2021)
2021 – De Paradiso Punk Jaren Deel 4: Nederpunk(s) En Ultra
2021 – Kladmuur: Early Days Of Wallwriting Groningen 1978-1992
2024 – VERA Scheurkalender 2024 (December 2023)
2024 – Flashbacks: Punk And Hardcore Photography Throughout The Years 1989 (November 2024)
1984 – Alles Krig Mod Alle (Denmark)
1985 – Penetracion 6 (February 1985, Spain)
1984 – Weerhaak 4 (December 1984)
1985 – Broken Promises Broken Heads 2 (March 1985, USA)
1988 – Maximum Rock’n’Roll No. 63 (August 1988, USA)
1988 – Maximum Rock’n’Roll No. 67 (December 1988, USA)
1989 – Maximum Rock’n’Roll No. 73 (June 1989, USA)
1990 – Maximum Rock’n’Roll No. 83 (April 1990, USA)
1990 – Maximum Rock’n’Roll No. 84 (May 1990, USA)
1990 – Maximum Rock’n’Roll No. 91 (December 1990, USA)

1997 – 2006
Columns & Interviews
2001 – Ilegal #1 (in Spanish)
2002 – Ilegal #2 (in Spanish)
2022 – Lenguaje Abierto No. 128 (in Spanish)
2023 – Agente Provokador 138 (in Spanish)
1991 – Part of Radio Tirada on sunday afternoon (1991.10.02 seized by cops)
Band Photography
2010 – Gheestenland
2013 – Swinder
2015 – Entrapment
Bacteria (1999-now) (before 1999 I used tons of Geocities accounts)
Catweazle (1999-2000)
PCP (1999-2005)
Shikari (1999-2005)
Makiladoras (2004-2006)
Dutch Punk Archives (2004-2005)
Fleas And Lice (2001-2006)
Mindføk (2005-2006)
Barakade Concerts (2005-2007)
GGI (2005)
Punk Scholars Network The Netherlands (2021)
El Corazon Del Sapo (2000)
Crude (2002-2004)
Kidd Blunt (2006-2007)
Execradores (2000-2002)
Ação Direta (2001)
Cockroach (2003)
Booking and driving (European) Tours
see here
Booking Concerts
1984 – 2007
During hardcorepunk concerts in Vera & Simplon 1985-1994
Recordings on Vinyl, CD and Tape
1984 – Puinhoop – Various – Holland Hardcore 3: The Invasion TAPE (Er Is Hoop Tapes, NL)
1985 – Bloedbad – Bloedbad TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
1988 – RO Conspiracy – Unofficial Tape (Bacteria Products, NL)
1989 – Catweazle – Catweazle TAPE (Bacteria Tapes, NL)
1993 – Catweazle – Catweazle TAPE (Bacteria Tapes, NL)
1993 – Catweazle – D.I.Y. Promo Tape TAPE (Bacteria Tapes, NL)
1994 – Catweazle – Catweazle TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
1996 – Catweazle – Cash And Pain Remain 3” MCD (Profane Existence Far East, JAP)
1997 – Catweazle – 10” with Seein’Red (Wicked Kangaroo, NL / Anomie, GER / Farewell, GER)
1997 – Catweazle – Form Of Fear 7″ EP (Bad Card, FRA / Revolution, FRA)
1998 – Tuco Ramirez – Samenloop Van Omstandigheden Tape (Selfreleased, NL)
1999 – Tuco Ramirez – Tuco Ramirez / Boycot 7″ EP (Trujaca Fala, Poland)
1998 – PCP – Deal The Darkness 7″ EP (aka Evolution Slaves 7″ EP) (Resuscitate Records, NL)
1999 – PCP – Life’s A War 7″ EP (Difusión Libertaria La Idea, Spain / Propulsion, Spain / Victimas Del Progreso Crimenes De Estado, Spain)
2000 – PCP – My War 7″ EP with B.S.E. (UPS Records, NL)
2000 – Shikari – Shikari – Robot Wars 10″ (Deadlock Records, NL)
2001 – Shikari – The Deleted 10″ Session (Never released)
2002 – Shikari – Shikari / Seein’Red 3″ CD (MasterHardcore, NL)
2002 – Shikari – Shikari / Seein’Red 10″ (Deadlock Records, NL)
2002 – Shikari – Shikari 7″ EP (Level Plane Records, USA)
2003 – Shikari – Shikari CDEP (Level Plane Records, USA)
2004 – PCP – Revelations CD (Musique Canard, France)
2004 – Shikari – Shikari / Phoenix Bodies 7″ EP (The Electric Human Project, USA)
2004 – Shikari – Shikari / Ação Direta 7″ EP (UPS / De Graanrepubliek, NL)
2005 – Shikari – Shikari / Louise Cyphre 9″ (Crucificados Pelo Sistema, GER / Level Plane Records, USA)
2005 – Makiladoras – In Eigen Hand 12” LP (DP (Or Not DP), NL / Tofu Guerrilla, GER / Svaveldioxid, LUX / Squawk, FRA / Trabuc Records, SPA / Antirock, NOR / Kickrock, FRA / Canard Musique, FRA / Mala Raza, SPA / Subversive Ways, FRA / Emancypunx, POL / Opiate, UK / Contamination, GER / Loderbrock, USA)
2005 – Makiladoras – Live In Krommenie 15/10/05 CDr (Loderbrock, USA)
2005 – Makiladoras – In Eigen Hand CD (Too Circle, JAP)
2012 – Makiladoras – Niemandsland 12” LP (Ruination, GER)
Top 10 Dutch 80’s Punk Records
1980 Rondos – Red Attack LP
Catchy tunes with a strong political message. Years later, we have a simular collective in Groningen but instead based on Maoism we are into Anarchism.
1981 Vopos – Dead Entertainment LP
Bought on 1 April 1982 in Hemmes and seeing them live on 24 April. I was well prepared for my first gig in Simplon and this record proves one of my alltime favorites.
1982 Various – Hatelijke Groenten 7”
I got this one from Nanno/Jetset. All bands are in the Rood Wit Zwart collective and here are definitely the best songs by Vacuüm. Also I still got the Jetset demo recorded in the AD Tapes studio on which they play a couple of more songs.
1982 Zmiv – Banzai, Here’s Zmiv Beware 7”
Ordered a couple directly from the band/Ratdraaierszzz. Unfortunately I traded my copy for some Swedish hardcore. They’ll change their style on the Als Je Haar Maar Goed Zit Nr.2 compilation but still so good.
1983 Agent Orange – Your Mother Sucks Cocks In Hell 7”
Starts off pretty sloppy, but it gets better with alot of uptempo power and guitarwanking. Too bad I traded my copies for a SSD boot.
1983 Pandemonium – Who The Fuck 7”
Probably best known for their strong anti-fascist stance. This is their best record. Catchy and fast!
1983 Vacuüm – Vacuüm LP
Original because they creatively use a drumbox instead of a live one (although they used to have one). Very catchy with great lyrics.
1983 Various – Als Je Haar Maar Goed Zit Nr.2
A really great compilation from the west of Holland. For me one of the best records from the Netherlands.
1984 Agent Orange – V.D. Hello Boyfriend Coming My Way? 7”
A more than worthy continuation of their first record.
1984 Frites Modern – Veel Vet, Goor En Duur LP
Classic and timeless songs.
1986 Indirekt – Nacht Und Nebel 7”
I discover this one quite late, in the 90’s. I never liked this band much except for some songs on compilations. So I always ignored this one. Somehow I got to hear this and was blown away.
Top 25 UK 80’s Punk Records
1977 The Clash – The Clash LP
Together with Giving Them Enough Rope and London Calling, I bought this in Avignon, France on a holiday in 1981. It was my first punkrecord but other 2 plus Sandinista should be here too.
1978 Buzzcocks – Another Music In A Different Kitchen LP
Should be together with Love Bites and A Different Kind Of Tension which bought in 1981 and 1982
1978 Crass – The Feeding of the 5000 12”
The second Crass album I got in 1981. Mother on Stations already made a big impression but this one got me into the person I am now.
1978 Sham 69 – Tell Us The Truth LP
I bought the first three records for 25 guilders from a friend of a friend on 16.03.1982. It proved a fantastic bargain!
1979 UK Subs – Another Kind Of Blues LP
Live Kicks was my first U.K. Subs record and 6th punk LP I ever bought. This one came very soon after because I got hooked on this band.
1980 The Damned – The Black Album 2xLP
The 5th punk LP I bought. This belongs together with their first three classics but I choose this one also because all their hits are played on the live side. When I spraypainted my leather jacket with gold, the black inner sleeves get brightened with it.
1980 Poison Girls/Crass – Persons Unknown/Bloody Revolutions 7”
Truly a classic!
1981 Anti-Pasti – The Last Call… LP
Through the years I start to appreciate their Caution In The Wind LP but when it just came out I more or less hated it.
1981 Exploited – Punk’s Not Dead LP
At the time, this bandname was everywhere and it was an obvious buy and got very much into it.
1981 Splodgenessabounds – Splodgenessabounds LP
Very original and it definitely stood out from the rest.
1981 UK Subs – Diminished Responsibility LP
The 4th Subs LP I bought and this is one of the few with this rather mysterious and cool guitarsound.
1981 Vice Squad – No Cause For Concern LP
I like their follow up LP but this one has a particular atmosphere.
1982 Abrasive Wheels – When The Punks Go Marching In LP
An instant favorite with immensely catchy songs and a great overall sound.
1982 Chaos UK – Loud, Political And Uncompromising 7”
One of the first punk 7”ers that I got and this is hardcorepunk
1982 Discharge – Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing LP
A wall of sound. The Why 12” is already groundbreaking (I got it in February 1982 and Why was a steady anthem on my highschool) but this one has it all. Bought the gatefold version right after it came out.
1982 Last Resort – A Way Of Life LP
I always got a weakness for Oi. This is very basic but somehow I love it from the start.
1982 Various – Carry On Oi LP
One of my favorite compilations!
1982 Various – Punk And Disorderly LP
A compilation with only great songs and at the time a perfect way to check out the bands that are on it.
1983 The Partisans – The Partisans LP
Also on a lot of compilations so this is obligatory.
1983 Peter & The Test Tube Babies – Run Like Hell 7”
I like the Pissed & Proud LP but this is an instant classic!
1983 Rudimentari Peni – Death Church LP
I got this one recommended by Anderz Nielzen in Denmark and never regret trading it.
1983 The Straps – The Straps LP
Found out about the relatively late in the late 80’s. Has songs with The Damned and U.K. Subs drummers.
1984 English Dogs – To The Ends Of The Earth 12”
Just before their thrashmetal phase. The stuff they do before this is pretty forgettable.
1985 Sacrilege – Behind The Realms Of Madness 12”
A couple of years before their big Trouble influence. Still an amazing record and with Makiladoras we’ll cover Lifeline
1989 Sofahead – Pre-Marital Yodelling LP
Used to be Dan and with Leatherface drummer. Their very best release!
Top 20 Euro 80’s Punk Records
1982 Ads/City X – BZ Stottesingle 7”
Especially the City X songs are very very good.
1982 Indigesti/Wretched 7”
First heard this at Nanno’s place in 1983 and was instantly overwhelmed.
1982 Kaaos – Totaalinen Kaaos 7”
Their best and most furious. I’m still impressed about it’s very long runningtime.
1982 Lama – Lama LP
I always love it when bands sing in their own language. The very best punkband from Skandinavia.
1982 OHL – 1000 Kreuze LP
1982 Rattus – Rajoitettu Ydinsota 7”
1982 Upright Citizens – Bombs Of Peace 12”
1983 Anti-Cimex – Raped Ass 7”
1983 Electric Deads – Mind Bomb 7”
1983 Inferno – Tod & Wahsinn LP
1983 Lama – …Eika Mikaan Muuttut LP
1983 Terveet Kädet – LP
1983 Wretched – In Nome Del Potere 7”
1983 Wretched – Finira’ Mai? 7”
1983 Wunderbach 12”
1984 Raw Power – Screams From The Gutter LP
1985 Negazione – Tutti Pazzi 7”
1986 Declino/Negazione – Mucchio Selvaggio LP
1986 Indigesti – Osservati Dall’Inganno LP
1987 So Much Hate – How We Feel LP
1989 JMKE – Kylmalle Maale 12”
Top 25 Japanese 80’s Punk Records
1981 Stalin – Trash LP
1983 Gism – Destestation 12”
1983 The Clay – The Middle East Combat Area 7”
1983 Various – Great Punk Hits LP
1984 The Comes – No Side LP
1986 Lipcream – Kill Ugly Pop LP
1987 Gastunk – Under The Sun LP
1987 Lipcream – 9 Shocks Terror LP
1987 Poison – Kick Rock 12”
1987 Various – My Meat Your Poison LP
1988 Gastunk – Mother LP
1988 Lipcream – Closer To The Edge LP
1988 Nightmare – Ikasama 7”
1988 Outo – No Way Out 7”
1988 Various – Attack Of The 4 Tribes LP
1988 Various – Hang The Sucker Vol. 1 7”
1989 Bastard – Controlled In The Frame 7”
1989 Deathside – Wasted Dream LP
1989 Garlic Boys – King Of Smell 12”
1989 Griffin – Griffin 7”
1989 Poison Arts – One Hundred Dragon LP
1989 Various – Game Of Death LP
1989 Various – Hang The Sucker Vol. 2 LP
1989 Various – Hardcore Showcase LP
1989 Various – Triple Cross Counter 7”
Top 100 USA 80’s Punk 12”
1979 Dickies – The Incredible Shrinking Dickies LP
1980 Black Flag – Jealous Again 12”
1980 Dead Kennedys – Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables LP
1980 Dickies – Dawn of the Dickies LP
1980 X – Los Angeles LP
1981 Adolescent – Adolescents LP
1981 Black Flag – Damaged LP
1981 Circle Jerks – Group Sex LP
1981 Dead Kennedys – In God We Trust Inc. 12”
1981 TSOL – TSOL 12”
1982 Angry Samoans – Back From Samoa 12”
1982 Dead Kennedys – Plastic Surgery Disasters LP
1982 Faith/Void LP
1982 Hüsker Dü – Land Speed Record LP
1982 MDC – Millions of Dead Cops LP
1982 Meatmen – We’re The Meatmen And You Suck LP
1982 Sado Nation – We’re Not Equal 12”
1982 Social Unrest – Rat In A Maze 12”
1982 SS Decontrol – The Kids Will Have Their Say 12”
1982 White Cross – What’s Going On? 12”
1982 Youth Brigade – Sound & Fury LP
1982 Zero Boys – Vicious Circle LP
1982 Various – American Youth Report LP
1982 Various – Flex Your Head LP
1982 Various – Not So Quiet On The Western Front 2xLP
1982 Various – Someone Got Their Head Kicked In LP
1982 Various – This Is Boston Not LA LP
1983 Agression – Don’t Be Mistaken LP
1983 Bad Brains – Rock for Light LP
1983 Crucifix – Dehumanization LP
1983 Crucifucks – Hinckley had a Vision LP
1983 DI – D.I. 12”
1983 DRI – Dirty Rotten LP
1983 DYS – Brotherhood 12”
1983 FU’s – My America 12”
1983 Hüsker Dü – Everything Falls Apart 12”
1983 Jerry’s Kids – Is This My World? LP
1983 Necros – Conquest For Death LP
1983 Negative Approach – Tied Down LP
1983 Offenders – We Must Rebel LP
1983 SS Decontrol – Get It Away 12”
1983 The Stains – The Stains LP
1983 Suicidal Tendencies – You’ll Be Sorry LP
1983 Various – Barricaded Suspects LP
1983 Various – We Got Power 1 – Party Or Go Home LP
1984 AOF – Give Thanks LP
1984 Corrosion Of Conformity – Eye For An Eye LP
1984 Damage – Sins Of Our Fathers LP
1984 Die Kreuzen – Die Kreuzen LP
1984 FU’s – Do We Really Want To Hurt You? LP
1984 Freeze – Land of the Lost LP
1984 Reagan Youth – Youth Anthems LP
1984 Sluglords – Trails Of Slime 12”
1984 Stalag 13 – In Control 12”
1984 Stark Raving Mad – MX 12”
1984 7 Seconds – The Crew LP
1984 76% Uncertain – Estimated Monkey Time LP
1984 Red Scare – And The There Were None LP
1984 Various – We Got Power 2 – Party Animal LP
1985 Adrenalin OD – The Wacky Hi-Jinx LP
1985 Agression – Agression LP
1985 Corrosion Of Conformity – Animosity 12”
1985 Capitol Punishment – When Putch Comes To Shove 12”
1985 DI – Ancient Artifacts 12”
1985 DI – Horse Bites Dog Cries 12”
1985 Descendents – I Don’t Wanna Grow Up LP
1985 Detox – Start…Finish LP
1985 RKL – Keep Laughing LP
1985 White Flag – Zero Hour LP
1985 Various – Welcome To Venice LP
1986 Attitude Adjustment – American Paranoia LP
1986 Bl’ast! – The Power Of Expression LP
1986 Boneless Ones – Skate For The Devil LP
1986 Dag Nasty – Can I Say LP
1986 Doggy Style – Doggy Style II LP
1986 Life Sentence 12”
1986 Septic Death – Now That I Have The Attention 12”
1986 Straw Dogs – Straw Dogs 12”
1986 Th’Inbred – A Family Affair LP
1986 Uniform Choice – Screaming For Change LP
1986 Verbal Assault – Learn 12”
1986 Victims Family – Voltage & Violets LP
1986 White Flag – Wild Kingdom LP
1987 Dag Nasty – Wig Out At Denko’s LP
1987 Final Conflict – Ashes to Ashes LP
1987 Ludichrist – Immaculate Deception LP
1987 RKL – Rock’n’Roll Nightmare LP
1988 All – Allroy Sez LP
1988 Bad Religion – Suffer LP
1988 Beowülf – Lost My Head LP
1988 Christ On Parade – A Mind Is A Terrible Thing
1988 Crumbsuckers – Beast On My Back LP
1988 Leeway – Born To Expire LP
1988 Hell’s Kitchen – If You Can’t Take The Heat… LP
1988 Infest – Slave 12”
1988 PHC – Pissed Playground LP
1989 Bad Religion – No Control LP
1989 Gorilla Biscuits – Start Today LP
1989 Unity – Blood Days LP
Top 50 USA 80’s Punk 7”
1981 Black Flag – Six Pack 7”
1981 Shattered Faith – I Love America 7”
1981 Social Unrest – Making Room For Youth 7”
1981 Various – Process Of Elimination 7”
1982 AOF – What We Want Is Free 7”
1982 Battalion Of Saints – Fighting Boys 7”
1982 Hüsker Dü – In A Free Land 7”
1982 Mecht Mensch – Acceptance 7”
1982 Negative Approach – Can’t Tell Noone 7”
1982 Urban Waste – U.W. 7”
1982 7 Seconds – Skins, Brains & Guts 7”
1982 Various – Unsafe At Any Speed 7”
1983 Adrenalin OD – Let’s Bar-b-Que 7”
1983 AOF – Wait 7”
1983 CIA – God, Guns, Guts 7”
1983 Deep Wound – I Saw It 7”
1983 Jerry’s Kidz – This Is Albuquerque… 7”
1983 Poison Idea – Pick Up Your King 7”
1983 Rebel Truth – R.T. 7”
1983 Reflex From Pain – Black & White 7”
1983 State – No Illusions 7”
1983 United Mutation – Fugitive Family 7”
1983 Vatican Commando’s – Hit Squad For God 7”
1983 Vatican Commando’s – Just A Frisbee 7”
1983 White Cross – Fascist 7”
1983 YDI – A Place In The Sun 7”
1983 7 Seconds – Commited For Life 7”
1984 Condemned To Death – D-Day 7”
1984 DRI – Violent Pacification 7”
1984 FOD – Lovesongs 7”
1984 Freeze – Guilty Face 7”
1984 Gang Green – Sold Out 7”
1984 God’s Will – You’re On My Property Now Son 7”
1984 Offenders – I Hate Myself 7”
1984 RKL – It’s A Beautiful Feeling 7”
1984 Violent Children – Violent Children 7”
1984 Various – Big City – Nice And Loud 7”
1985 Dr. Know – Burn 7”
1985 Drunks With Guns – Punched in the Head 7”
1985 Maimed For Life – MFL 7”
1985 Meat Puppets – In A Car 7
1985 Th’Inbred – Reproduction 7”
1986 Unity – You Are One 7”
1987 Various – New York City Hardcore 7”
1988 Christ On Parade – Avarice 7”
1988 Shudder To Think – It Was Arson 7”
1989 Chain Of Strength – True Till Death 7”
1989 In Your Face – The Grub 7”
Top 10 World 80’s Punk Records
1980 DOA – Something Better Change LP
1981 DOA – Hardcore 81 LP
1983 House Of Commons – Patriot 12”
1983 Neos – Hassiban Gets The Brainsquueze 7”
1983 Olho Seco – Botas Fuzis Capacetes 7”
1984 Beyond Possessions – Tell Tale Heart 7”
1984 Genetic Conntrol – First Impressions 7”
1984 Ratos de Prao – Crucificados Pela Sistema LP
1985 Asexuals – Be What You Want LP
1985 Cólera – Tente Mudar LP
Top 40 USA 80’s Metal Records
1983 Metallica – Kill ‘Em All LP
1983 Slayer – Show No Mercy LP
1984 Dark Angel – We Have Arrived LP
1984 Metal Church – Beyond The Black LP
1984 Metallica – Ride The Lightning LP
1984 Slayer – Hell Awaits LP
1984 Slayer – Haunting The Chapel 12”
1984 Trouble – Psalm 9 LP
1985 Blessed Death – Kill Or Be Killed LP
1985 Exodus – Bonded By Blood LP
1985 Nasty Savage – Nasty Savage LP
1985 Trouble – The Skull LP
1986 Dark Angel – Darkness Descends LP
1986 Detente – Recognize No Authority LP
1986 Megadeth – Peace Sells… LP
1986 Metallica – Master Of Puppets LP
1986 Possessed – Beyond The Gates LP
1986 Sacrilege B.C. – Party With God LP
1986 Slayer – Reign In Blood LP
1986 Wargasm – Why Play Around LP
1987 Blessed Death – Destined For Extinction LP
1987 Blind Illusion – The Sane Asylum
1987 Death Angel – The Ultra Violence LP
1987 Excel – Split Image LP
1987 Heathen – Breaking The Silence LP
1987 Holy Terror – Terror And Submission LP
1987 Nasty Savage – Indulgence LP
1987 No Mercy – Widespread Bloodshed LP
1987 Possessed – The Eyes Of Horror 12”
1987 Sacred Reich – Ignorance LP
1987 Testament – The Legacy LP
1988 Forbidden – Forbidden Evil LP
1988 Holy Terror – Mind Wars
1988 Last Descendants – One Nation Under God LP
1988 Nasty Savage – Abstract Reality 12”
1988 Realm – Endless War LP
1988 Violence – Eternal Nightmare LP
1989 Angkor Wat – When Obscenity Becomes The Rule LP
1989 Dark Angel – Leave Scars LP
1989 Nasty Savage – Penetration Point LP
Top 40 World 80’s Metal Records
1983 Iron Maiden – Piece Of Mind LP
1983 Ozzy Osbourne – Bark At The Moon LP
1983 Satan – Caught In The Act LP
1984 Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales 12”
1984 Destruction – Sentence of Death 12”
1984 Iron Maiden – Powerslave LP
1984 Voivod – War And Pain LP
1984 Vulcain – Rock’n’Roll Secours LP
1984 Witch Cross – Fit For Fight LP
1985 Celtic Frost – To Mega Therion LP
1985 Destruction – Infernal Overkill LP
1985 English Dogs – Forward Into Battle LP
1985 Iron Angel – Hellish Crossfire LP
1985 Kreator – Endless Pain LP
1986 Angel Dust – Into The Dark Past LP
1986 Cashbah – Russian Roulette 7”
1986 Destruction – Eternal Devestation LP
1986 Doom – Go Mad Yourself 7”
1986 English Dogs – Metalmorphosis 12”
1986 Jurassic Jade – A Cradle Song 7”
1986 Kreator – Pleasure To Kill LP
1986 Kreator – Flag Of Hate 12”
1986 Various – Eastern Front LP
1987 Destruction – Mad Butcher 12”
1987 Doom – No More Pain 12”
1987 English Dogs – Where Legend Began LP
1987 Infernal Majesty – None Shall Defy LP
1987 Sacrifice – Forward To Termination LP
1987 Sacrilege – Within The Prophecy LP
1987 Voivod – Killing Technology LP
1987 Various – Skull Thrash Zone LP
1988 Doom – Killing Field 12”
1988 Faff-Bey – Back From The Grave LP
1988 Voivod – Dimension Hatross LP
1989 Aion – Ma-G-Ma LP
1989 Annihilator – Alice In Hell LP
1989 Doom – Incompetent LP
1989 Sacrilege – Turn Back Trilobite LP
1989 Voivod – Nothingface LP
1989 Various – Ultimate Revenge 2 LP

Big fan of what you have created here. For the punk scene in Groningen and abroad. There are bands that are very obscure and giving some insight is important. Have you ever thought about archiving the music from all these bands on bandcamp? Of course being careful with label and artist copyrights. This page is great for the Chicago scene :
Hi Andrew, that's a very impressive archive on Bandcamp! I've put some releases from local bands in my youtube channel but there's too many. Someday I'll put them all together but for now I'm first concentrating on the info/website.
That sounds fair. I can see it’s a large undertaking, so hopefully one day. I’ve checked out the YouTube channel, you’ve got some good stuff on there too. Never thought I’d see a live gig of The Barnhouse Effect.
Hannes Zebracore
Hi there,
found this site on my search for a contact to FLEAS & LICE. I wonder weather you can help me. I just wanted to send a link to my little Youtube channel ZEBRACORE FABRIK where I uploaded a sequence of their show at our open air festival in Oberhausen in 1998. And the link on several sites led me to a kind of strange site about whatever but not the band.
By this I saw that you are collecting/archieving stuff about dutch punk also in the 80s. I have a bunch of old Holland posters from that time. An old friend of mine named Sam organized punk shows in the 80s in Duisburg at a venue named Eschhaus. Also BGK played there and there is also a video of that show on Youtube. He had a good network to Venlo, Winterswijk and Arnhem and they sent posters always which he collected. It´maybe about 40 - 60 different items I also have that RKL poster from Effenaar. So if interested you can contact me under my mail adress. Then we can get in touch that way.
So if possible greetings to the band. Take care and stay healthy.
Lekker bezig geweest, Bacteria! Ik denk dat ik weleens vaker op deze site zal kijken voor inspiratie! Overigens ben ik hier in de Fabriek pand te Amsterdam de archief aan het opruimen, dat is 4 decennia papierwerk, waaronder zines uit de kraaktijd (jaren 80). Heb je interesse om dat te bekijken evt? Gaat wel meer over kraken dan muziek... Groet!
Hoi Michael, was blij en verrast om te zien dat mijn oude fanzine De Stok gearchiveerd stond. Heel veel bewondering voor je diepgaande info op deze site...enne waarom geen The Germs-GI in je favo lijstje ..:).
Een hartelijke groet uit Hoorn
Bedankt Frank! De Stok heb ik van Niels de Wit gekregen en ben er erg blij mee want zines uit die tijd zijn er niet zoveel (1982-1983). En wat mijn muzikale smaak betreft ben ik waarschijnlijk wel een buitenbeentje in bepaalde opzichten (ik hou bv totaal niet van Minor Threat en alle mid jaren 80 engelse meuk). Grtn!
Hello Bacteria,
what a surprise to find copies of 'Cliche' fanzine on your site. I was one of the three writers/ editors/ designers. Very nice and funny to read after all this time! Great!
Ulf Mappe