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PPPPP = As punk as it can get
PPPP = Very punk
PPP = 50% punk
PP = Has some punk
P = Has little punk
***** = Highly recommended
**** = Very good
*** = Nice read
** = Could be better
* = Pretty bad
10 Jaar Simplon: Over Hippies, Punks, Billies & Andere Querulanten
Stichting Simplon, Uitgeverij Xeno/Simplon 1987
116 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
A nice little booklet about the youthcenter Simplon in Groningen. Punk contributors with a piece are Peter Schriemer/Subway, Derk-Jan Wooldrik/Boobs, De Kip/Roeg Toeg, Mark Tilstra/Boegies, Hein Doeglas/Boegies, Dik Smid/Moonlizards, Robb Kaufman/Subway, Frank Scholtens/Boegies and some more. It starts with the history and some contributors write very entertaining anecdotes. A great deal is about the filmclub, the restaurant, videoclub and workshops but it is highly recommended nevertheless. Too bad it is impossible to find nowadays but you can read it here. PPP *****
Amsterdam On Tour: The Early Signs Of Dutch Graffiti
Again & De Scene, FreshCotton 2019
202 pgs, Hardcover, English
Pretty much the reference work on early Dutch graffiti in Amsterdam with beautiful pictures and alot about the early punk graffiti (Vendex, Hugo Kaagman, N-Power, Zoot, Dr. Rat…). PP *****
Brommers, Gitaren En Spandoeken: Vijftig Jaar Jong In Zeeland
Jan J.B. Kuipers, Aprilis 1999
144 pgs, Hardcover, Dutch
Another really good book about early music culture in the Zeeland province. There’s a whole chapter about punk with all the early bands and also a seperate chapter with a great deal about activism in the early days. PP *****
Club Risiko: De Jaren Tachtig Toen En Nu
Fred De Vries, Nijgh Van Ditmar 2006
255 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
A travelstory book with interviews which takes the author to Paris (Leos Carax), Berlin (Blixa Bargeld/Einsturzende Neubauten), Johannesburg (Paul Riekert/Battery9), London (Tom Vague, Penny Rimbaud/Crass, Steve Ignorant/Crass, John Active) New York (Victor Bockris, Lee Ranaldo/Sonic Youth), Ljubljana (Ivan Novak/Laibach, Dejan Knez/Laibach), Amsterdam (Jos Kley/The Ex, Terrie Hessels/The Ex). PP ****
The Connected Lives Of Dutch Punks: Contesting Subcultural Boundaries
Kirsty Lohman, Palgrave Macmillan 2017
227 pgs, Softcover, English
This is a research project on Punk in the Netherlands, an etnography of the scene with participants spread across the country. It maps the Dutch punkscene historically and geographically. Since the book doesn’t give a fixed definition of punk, she let the participants do. The book has four aims and answers the following questions: What is punk for its Dutch participants? How has this changed over time? What forms of politics are Dutch punks engaged with? How does participants’ punkness interact with and influence other aspects of their lives? There’s a great deal of participants with fictive names (10 of 33) from my hometown Groningen who are met and questioned at a concert in 2011. If you’re into subjective views and need an academic view on DIY punk, then this is for you. Except, the price of the book is absurd. The cheapest I can find is around 70 euro’s. Not really punk… (Update: The writer also used this information for another book called The Punkreader: Research Transmissions From The Local And The Global from 2019 with a huge chapter called: Nothing Like The Rest Of Holland: The Groningen Punk Scene. The information provided is dreadful and with some more research (instead of easily copying everything from the Poparchief) it could have been right. Too bad.) PPPPP ***
Daarom Bonzen Onze Harten Zo – Avant-Garde, Punk en de Rondos
Johannes van de Weert, Druxat 2023
784 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
PPPP *****
Doornroosje: 20 Jaar Jongerencentrum
Michiel Bugter, Aribert Guiking, SSN Nijmegen 1990
94 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Doornroosje was an important youthcentre when punk emerged in Nijmegen. This book interviews a couple of people from this period and even has a picture of Crass playing there in 1980. For the rest a minimum of information is given and there is no concertlist (like the newer book). A serious letdown. P **
Dr. Rat: Godfather Van De Nederlandse Graffiti
Martin Haas, Lebowski Publishers 2011
240 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Essential for people messing around with a marker in the early 80’s. All and everything about the legendary Dr. Rat from Amsterdam. His whole gloomy life researched in this book with great pictures and countless stories by others. PPPP *****
Er Zit Een Ziel In: 35 Jaar Podium ’t Beest
Eugène de Kok, Paard van Troje 2015
294 pgs, Hardcover, Dutch
A book about ’t Beest, a youthcenter that more or less started out as a punkvenue. There’s very interesting imagery from the beginning and mention of obscure punkbands like D-Control and Acrex-S. Not too many punkconcerts were done due to problems with the local authorities. There’s alot of (full color) images of posters, concerts and visitors/the venue. A great book. PP ****
Geloof De Hype!
Rens Dietz, Selfreleased Third Print 2024
300 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
A new book about punk! Ofcourse I first checked the website for the book and had to laugh when I read that Rondos have anarcho lyrics and use swastika’s. There’s more incorrect facts like Panic is the only Dutch punk band that played CBGB’s (…/).
Well, if you’re into mainstream punk this might be an interesting book. It’s told from the perspective of 2 persons: a father from 1948 and a son from 1982. All information about the Netherlands/Dutch bands (and probably the rest as well) are taken from OOR, newspapers, websites, videos, magazines and books (there’s an extensive pages with sources). In the prologue he states that punk is mainly a cry for attention.
What we then get is numerous pages about the Beatles and a chapter about The Sex Pistols, all big English bands like The Stranglers, The Clash and the American Connection (like CBGB’s and The Ramones). There’s a piece about Dutch punk saying in 1977 and 1978 Dutch bands put out records on a daily base. Actually in 1977 were 6 records released (4 from The Flyin’ Spiderz) and in 1978 24. Here, Dutch punk didn’t sell. And mohawks came into punk in 1980 not the end of the 1970s. There’s some more facts to complain about but this is still fictional with true stories as said in the prologue.
Punk dies in 1980 and he continues with postpunk. Next is a chapter mainly about Joy Division but also about others like The Cure. He takes alot from the ‘Club Risiko’ and ‘Ultra’ books. Next is Sonic Youth and there’s pages of Joy Division again. We continue with grunge (Nirvana) and britpop (Oasis). After Nirvana was a punkrevival (Green Day). Here in NL everybody started to have tattoo’s and piercings and started to dress alternative. I was very glad because the local nazi’s couldn’t recognize the real punx and squatters anymore!
The next chapter has alot of The Strokes and the Arctic Monkeys. The last chapter, written especially for this third edition, is all about the new punk revival. We get about 12 pages Hang Youth (consistently written in capitals) who are the equivalent of Heideroosjes except their singer does a theatre tour and pops up in all kinds of TV programs. They have anti-government songs under 1 minute and sell out big venues within time.
I struggled through this book because I am not interested in the status of a band or how succesful they are. Underground has a completely different meaning for the writer than I have. Also it’s very suspicious when someone writes ‘punker/s’ instead of ‘punk/x’. Anyway, like I said before, if you’re into corporate punk, this might be interesting for you. PPP **
Goudvishal: DIY Or Die! / Punk In Arnhem 1977-1990
Marcel Stol, Henk Wentink, Earth Island Books 2022
520 pgs, Paperback & Hardcover, Dutch & English
PPPPP *****
Remco Daalder, Uitgeverij Bas Lubberhuizen 2008
132 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Groeten Uit De Vrije Wereld: Van Cultuuroverdracht Tot De Vorming Van Een Nederpunkscene
W.A. van Rekum, Afstudeerscriptie Cultuur Geschiedenis 2011
69 pgs, Thesis on Paper, Dutch
Heethoofd: De Grote Rotterdamse Punkroman
Leen Steen, Uitgeverij Passage 2017
400 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Het Gejuich Was Massaal – Punk in Nederland 1976-1982
Jerry Goossens, Jeroen Vedder, Haasbeek 1996
125 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
More or less the only book that deals with Dutch punk in this particular period. It has great images but concentrates mostly on the western part of the Netherlands. From the 30 persons that are interviewed there’s only one interview with a woman (Diana Ozon) while there were tons of punkbands with women. Too bad this is very hard to get. Next year there will be an English version published with new/more images and a revised discography. PPPPP *****
Johan Was Punk And He Knows It: Het niet zo alledaagse leven van Johan van de Koekrand
Johan van Leeuwen, Eigen Beheer 1997
154 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Jong!: Jongerencultuur En Stijl In Nederland 1950-2000
Kitty de Leeuw, Waanders 2000
607 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
An extensive referenceguide for youthcultures from 1950 to 2000. Punk has 36 pages packed with pictures. Sander/Zmiv provided pictures and needless to say there’s very interesting stuff coming out of his scrapbook like Knåx in Alkmaar 1982 and Vice Squad in Simplon 1982. Also there’s writings and pictures about the WNC squat in Groningen. A big surprise! PP ***
Jozzy: Het Bips Boek
Alex van der Hulst, Literair Productiehuis Wintertuin 2013
168 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Lous Berding, 27.4.1960-5.8.1984
Lous Berding, Drukkerij de Leeuwenberg 1985
94 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Mainly screenprints and drawings of this too far too early deceased punkgirl. The colored ones are done by Joos Mooi Stencilwerk and are beautifully glued into the book. Meant for private circle only but somehow ends up in the Fort van Sjakoo bookshop. Printrun of 350. P ****
De Nederlandse Cassette Catalogus 1983 – 1987
Frans de Waard, Korm Plastics 2021
304 pgs, Hardcover, English and Dutch
I love catalogues. Especially the ones with obscurities such as tapes. This one has the 4 cassette catalogues from the 80’s reprinted. Far from complete and there’s unfortunately no year of release with entries but a great reference guide nevertheless. A very nice addition is the letter section at the end of the book. PP *****
Nothing Going On In The City – 40 Jaar Popmuziek in Groningen
Koen van Krimpen, Uitgeverij Passage 2003
180 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
A great book about the musical culture in the Groningen province. Koen did alot of research and I helped him with the punksection. There were several interviews, emailcontact and he could use everything from website. Still, he managed to get most info wrong in this book so after it came out, I directly made a correction webpage. It makes you wonder about the other genres. The Poparchief Groningen blindly took over this archive hence the many grave mistakes. However, this is still an essential book about the many bands Groningen had. PP ***
No Future Nu: Punk In Nederland 1977-2012
Leonor Jonker, Lebowski Publishers 2012
304 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
One of the very few books that writes seriously about Dutch punk. It goes indepth and all aspects are in here. From music, clothing and fanzines to punkgraffiti. Unfortunately this all ends after the first years although the title suggests otherwise. Absolutely no research has been done after the early 80’s, except for some useless interviews. Page 194 starts with a chapter about the connection between punk and art followed by another uninteresting chapter about disco-parties, the Mazzo, de Koer and the Roxy in Amsterdam. Next is a chapter about cyberpunks, hackers and internet. And on page 251 there’s a new chapter about punk and DIY in 2012. It suggests that because of better economics and the internet, D.I.Y. has become mainstream… It looks like the writer is stuck in the late 70’s/early 80’s, continuously talks about punk in the past time and has no idea or care about anything that happened in between 1983 and 2012. She talks about Nirvana and Green Day, how multinationals took over, there’s a chapter about streetart with Banksy, Hugo Kaagman and Laser 3.14. And always getting back to the early days of punk as the definitive standard. Very tiring and a good example of pretty bad research that only focuses on the early days. This could better be called Punk in Nederland 1977-1982. Still it’s worthwile because of the first chapters, but if you want to know anything that happened after 1983 then this is definitely not for you. PPPPP ***
Papua Punk: Strips, Collages, Artikelen En Interviews Uit De Punk-& Reggae-Cultuur
Hugo Kaagman, De Woelrat 1982
124 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
This is the Best Of Koecrandt 1977-1980 with articles, interviews, cartoons, etc. that appeared in the earliest issues. PPPPP *****
De Paradiso Punk Jaren Deel 1: 1977, De Oerknal
Oscar Smit, Black Olive Press 2017
44 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
With punkconcertlist. PPPPP *****
De Paradiso Punk Jaren Deel 2: 1978, Het Jaar Van De Nederpunk
Oscar Smit, Black Olive Press 2018
88 pgs, Softcover & Reprint as 1 book, Dutch
(Interviews: Simon Francken/Ivy Green, Lain Barbier/Speedtwins, Nico Groen/Speedtwins, Fer Abrahams, Artikels 1: Ivy Green, Subway, Captain Coke, Speedtwins, Panic, The Filth, The Softies, 2: Lulu Zulu & The White Guys, Motorboat, The Divorce Helmettes)
With punkconcertlist. PPPPP *****
De Paradiso Punk Jaren Deel 3: 1979, Opkomst Van New Wave, Post-Punk en Poëzie
Oscar Smit, Black Olive Press 2019
44 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Looks I got a misprint. The staples aren’t through the book and some pages are smaller than the rest. I prefered the layout from the former part, with special bands profiles and interviews. With punkconcertlist. PPPPP *****
De Paradiso Punk Jaren Deel 4: 1979-1981 Nederpunk(s) En Ultra
Oscar Smit, Black Olive Press 2021
228 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
(Ze Popes, The Bugs, Interior, Soviet Sex, VD Patients, Jezus And The Gospelfuckers, 123, Infexion, Itch, Suspenders, Pilot, Mecano, The Nitwitz, Rondos, Workmates, A4, Tecnoville, Schmutz, Clapcats, On/Off, Minny Pops, The Ex, De Groeten, Svätsox, Cheap’n’Nasty)
If you want to know more about the early days of punk in the Netherlands, then this is recommended reading! PPPPP *****
De Plasser Paradox
Nick J. Swarth, Uitgeverij IJzer Utrecht 2020
434 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Punk Als Verzet(je?): Een Rondje Nederpunk In De Jaren Tachtig Van De Twintigste Eeuw
Johan van Leeuwen, Eigen Beheer 2002
Softcover, Dutch
During the presentation of the Het Gejuich Was Massaal book from 1996 that covers Dutch punk in 1976-1982, the idea came of making a follow-up book. The title is a Dutch wordplay. Punk as resistance or punk as entertainment? Punk after 1982 was very busy organizing the worldwide DIY network. When Nirvana got big in the early 90s, punk became mainstream and the underground DIY scene with its many collectives, venues and bands flourishes. Together with the coming of internet, this is probably the best period for punk but all of this was thanx to the 1976-1982 and 1983-1989 periods where the foundation was made.
Johan van Leeuwen started doing Koekrand fanzine in 1979 and renamed it Nieuwe Koekrand in late 1981. He stopped in 1990 but revived the zine in 1997 until his death in February 2003. In the meantime he wrote Johan Was Punk And He Knows It in 1997 with very amusing punk anekdotes from his life.
Punk Als Verzet(je?) is a book with interviews done in the summer of 1999, information from all Dutch reports in the Maximum Rock’n’Roll fanzine from the USA, from the Nieuwe Koekrand and other zines and from his memory. It’s an inventarisation of bands, venues and zines. Since he was ill when writing and this was selfreleased, there’s unfortunately ALOT of writing and style mistakes.
It starts with 19 pages of what happened in Amsterdam. Next come all the provinces with its bands, venues and zines. It’s a pretty good listing but rather annoying because of the many writing mistakes. Also the piece on Groningen contains one long string of serious (info) mistakes. Makes you wonder about the other provinces. It ends with an extensive discography but also have non-punkbands with yet again alot of mistakes. I’ll definitely not use this as a reference guide. It’s time for a new and more up-to-date book about this period! PPPPP ***
Punk Graffiti Archives: The Netherlands
Javier Abarca, Thomas Chambers, Urbanario & Hitzerot 2019
166 pgs, Softcover, English
Punk In Holland
Erik Verzijl, OnsFotoboek 2021
18 pgs, Softcover
A totally DIY project by this punk photographer. It’s a photobook so there’s no words in it except for the obligatory captions. It doesn’t have many pages but the pictures are marvellous. All taken in 1979 and with bands such as Jezus And The Gospelfuckers, Infexion, Workmates, Ivy Green, Rondos, Filth, Vopos, PCX, The Bugs and The Ex you can’t go wrong! A good deal of these pictures can be found in the very hard to get “Het Gejuich Was Massaal” book. PPPPP *****
Punk Met Een Hoofdletter R. De Politieke Ideologie Van Rotterdams Punkcollectief De Rondos 1978-1983
Anne de Rooij, Scriptie History Of Political Culture And National Identities 2012
90 pgs, Thesis on Paper, Dutch
Rebellie In De Jaren 80
J. Flint, Eigen Beheer 2021
768 pgs, Dutch
Not really about punk but about activism in the late 70’s and throughout the 80’s. It is written by someone who was involved with the anti-militarist group Onkruit and wrote in the 80’s for Bluf!, a well-known Dutch activist magazine. The book is selfreleased and I think because most of the 768 pages are articles/pieces taken from newspapers, flyers, declarations, magazines, Bluf! etc. They’re a much better read than the pieces of the writer who seems to be sexual frustrated living in an Amsterdam squatters bubble and who thinks now as a zen buddhist. He has newfound respect for the riotcops of then and doesn’t bother about the future anymore. Very tiring if you have to plough through the pages although there’s a few good stories. Still an interesting read because of those many articles. P **
Rhythm: Het Stripwerk Compleet & Chronologisch 1969-2011
Peter Pontiac, Oog & Blik 2011
368 pgs, Hardcover, Dutch
Rock City: Verhalen Uit Muziekstad Groningen
Igor Wijnker, Uitgeverij Passage 2017
256 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Rockin’ On Paper, The Vera Club, A History In Posters
Ricky van Duuren, Niek Schutter, Vera 2006
316 pgs, Paperback, Dutch/English
This is the ultimate book on the Vera youthcenter. Everything and all is explained in English and Dutch Language. There’s a nice selection of posters but obviously mainly of bigger bands and concerts. The book comes with a CD containing concertclips. Highly recommended! P *****
Rock ‘n’ Roel
Roel Smit, Oog & Blik 2008
120 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Rock Tegen De Rollen: Een Onderzoek Naar Vrouwenpunk En Feminisme In Nederland rond 1980
Pauwke Berkers, Doctoraalscriptie Cultuursociologie, Universiteit Van Tilburg 2003
214 pgs, Thesis on Paper, Dutch
Pim Scheelings, Henk de Tank 2008
144 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Studio Paradiso
Dirk Weelder, Voetnoot 2013
624 pgs, Paperback, Dutch & English
This is a monster of a photobook. Max Natkiel photographed visitors of the Paradiso club in Amsterdam in the early 80’s and here’s over 600 of them! In 2008 Marc Geerards made the film Paradiso Stilllives with people photographed but now filmed 25 years later. There’s also some people from Groningen in it. On his website are many more pictures from these Natkiel sessions. Needless to say there’s alot of (familiar) punks and skins in this. PPPP *****
Turquoise Dagen
Bill Mensema, Uitgeverij Passage, 2023
206 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Bill used to work in the Vera youthcentre (in Groningen) in the beginning of the 80’s as a jack of all trades but particulary as backstagemanager and caretaker of artists. This book is about his experiences from that time (1980-1982). A bunch of concerts and artists are described: Pere Ubu, Delta 5, Bauhaus, DAF, The Fall, La Loora, Nico, UK Decay, Echo & The Bunnyman, Simple Minds, Theatre Of Hate, Allan Ginsberg, The Exploited and a trip to the first Parkpop festival in Den Haag.
Since this is a biographical novel, he uses pseudonyms and events are subjective (= very exaggerated) with alot of humor/slapstick but it’s a great read with plenty of acquaintances. It is the 5th installment of his 10 part “Decade” series which is about life in the 80’s. The next book will be about his time as a singer in Crimes Of Nature. PP *****
Uitgepunkt. De Korte Adem Van Een Subcultuur In Nederland, 1977-1982
Daan van Schijndel, Masterscriptie Nieuwste Geschiedenis Universiteit van Amsterdam 2012
76 pgs, Thesis on Paper, Dutch
Ralph Schippers, 2012
226 pgs, paperback, Dutch
A great novel by the vocalist of Funeral Directors. It’s about the adventures of protagonist Sjors Kops. The book is slightly biographical so you get to read about the first concert of the band (here called the Undertakers) in the Paradiso venue in Amsterdam, the dole, jobstories, etc. A really recognizable read and very recommended! PPPP *****
Vlerkwerk, 30 Jaar Underground Posters
Vlerk, Stichting Sherpa 2020
216 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
Edmund Spierts aka Vlerk used to be one of my Cimande Pencak Silat teachers in the 90’s when he was doing Inktvis Prutdukties but I totally forgot he also made posters for the Simplon and Vera youthcenters in Groningen. This marvellous book covers all his concertposters (more than 200) for Simplon from 1987 – 1996 and his years with Vera 2002 – 2009. I love his rather dark fantasy style with often some humour. There is very interesting commentary at alot of posters and often there’s alternate drawing of the same poster or preperary sketches of how a poster came to life. Even some of my bands are in it. Comes with a handnumbered silksceen and this print is 125 handnumbered. PP *****
Vlerkwerk, 30 Years Underground Posters
Vlerk, Stichting Sherpa 2020
216 pgs, Softcover, English
The same as above but all texts are translated in English language. Also comes with handnumbered silkscreen and has a print of 25. PP *****
Willem Kolvoort: 30 Jaar Vera Posters
Willem Kolvoort, Uitgeverij Passage 2020
128pgs, Hardcover, Dutch
De Zaanse Pophistorie 1960-2020
Rob Hendriks, NBC-Oevers 2020
368 pgs, Softcover, Dutch
A definitive referenceguide about music culture in the Zaan area, just north of Amsterdam. Places like Zaandam, Wormer and Kommenie are included so plenty of stories and interviews with punks from the early period. In total there’s 24 pages about punk and overall it’s thoroughy researched and written. PP *****
Zebrapaden Door De Serengeti
Bonny van der Werf, Self-released 2024
196 pgs, Paperback, Dutch
Great! A book from and about someone who lived in the ORKZ squat and worked in the VERA youth center in Groningen in the early 80s. He also writes about local activism, squatting and going to demonstrations. Obviously most names are changed but some stay the same. My enthousiasm is tempered when I’m warned that the book is fiction mixed with non-fiction. While reading, I’m constantly thinking if it’s real or not. What is real is his tall length (over 2 metres) and that he used alot of dope. Half of the 59 chapters constantly mention his length and in almost all chapters he is stoned. He writes in a non-fiction style which is confusing. But I know why to make this fiction. It’s to cover yourself for any errors (unfortunately this happens in more books about the past). I spoke to many people about the 80s or 90s and they either can’t remember or say something false (easily checked in interviews from that period with the same person). His memory is probably very clouded by all the drugs he took at the time. But worst of all, he can’t write. It’s a long and tedious summary of experiences with people and occurances and his sense of humour doesn’t work because of his terrible writing. Probably this is the reason why he could not find a publisher and did it self-released. The title (Zebra crossings through the Serengeti) is just as much nonsense as the writing. Best to avoid. P *