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Shikari, Makiladoras, Ekkaia @ De Brouwerij, Hengelo 14 October 2003

From the old website: We always used to go to youthcenter Innocent, that did most of the punkgigs in Hengelo for ages but times are changing. In april 2002 a former managementoffice for a local Grolsch brewery (brouwerij) was squatted. As the building is on the socalled “municipal list of monuments” (it’s the oldest – 135 years – industrial building of the city), it is not allowed to be pulled down. In August 2003, some people started building a concertroom with a bar. Within a week the first gig was organised and ever since they’ve been doing concerts about every week! So this is their 6th one and I was looking forward to see this new concertplace and meet my friends of EKKAIA again. We arrive in time and are welcomed by some occupants who show us around in the building. Very impressive to see how fast they fabricated the seperate concert and barplace. After a nice and warm dinner we start unpacking and the first visitors start getting in. This is a cold tuesday nite so I am expecting around 30 maybe 40 max but by the time Shikari starts, the place is packed! It was a relatively quiet Shikari gig, no blood and bruises except for a head of snot. The crowd loved Makiladoras and was moving all the time. During their set I suddenly got thrown to the ground. The isolation woodwork came loose and landed on my head… Fortunately I wear my cap and remarkably the Morser button on the side of it absorbed most of the blow. I could have been killed judging from the nails sticking out and the height it came from. Built a bit too fast, ey? Worst was the glass mineral wool in which I got covered. The itch is way more unbearable than the sloppiness of Makiladoras. Ekkaia finished solid as a rock. Very obvious influence from bands such as From Ashes Rise and Tragedy, but they’ve mastered this style very well. Definitely one of the best clones in this genre. Eventually it was a great concert overall with a full house, great atmosphere and reception. I heard this was the best attended show so far. The next nite was Poundaflesh from the UK plus a couple others, and it turned out to be the worst attended show with approximately 9 people. Too bad.

Shikari (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Makiladoras (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Ekkaia (Spain)